Saturday, September 26, 2020

Any Thing for the Essentials - A Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

Searching for the light in the dark

Like in the night with hope to awake

As in each beginning of dawn

For most people in this world it is not fun.


The shoulders are drooped with weight of darkness

And praying in the sanctum for Angel to bless

For not all the gold in this world

But to soothe our bodies from anger of hunger.


So empty streets could filled with life

With dreams of people taking shape

As without the bare essentials

It is like ship is sailing without sails. 


Friday, September 18, 2020

Independence Day - A Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

We got freedom at midnight

But today India has to see another light

With COVID -19 pandemic in sight

With all the might we have to fight.


The death looks bang in the eye

But we should not allow our hopes to die

Pain and happiness are in same coin

So striving hard let us shine.


Free from darkness of disease

And rise to form a healthy world

With everyone in common fold

Blossoming in this earth’s field.


Ingenious Indians - A Poem by Venkatesh M.R.

We live by the sword believing in God

Being always our culture proud

Facing every day with love and faith

In life to pass the testing gate.


Comedy and tragedy is part of the story

To face and reach the glory

As only when you dive deep into Ocean

You get the knowledge vision


So striving through heart and soul

We play life’s different role

To one day to reach the goal

Ingenious while looking whole.